CVS turns to Ransom for environmental due diligence and geotechnical engineering on new site locations and existing store sites across New England and the mid-Atlantic region. Since 2004, Ransom has provided environmental site assessments, hazardous building materials assessments, geotechnical engineering analysis, and remediation services to meet regulatory standards at hundreds of CVS properties in nine states.
The core of our CVS work is environmental due diligence.
As part of a bundled set of services for our real estate clients, such as CVS, our Ransom teams provide hazardous building materials assessments concurrent with our Phase I assessments and geotechnical engineering explorations concurrent with our Phase II assessments.
Our geotechnical services include performing soil borings, test pits or geophysical investigations to characterize subsurface soils and bedrock in order to provide design recommendations for building foundations, as well as providing construction observation services to confirm conditions or assess previously unidentified adverse conditions.
We have partnered both with fee-for-service developers of CVS sites and directly with CVS’s environmental and construction teams, as well as outside counsel for CVS to provide environmental construction support and to assist with assessing potential environmental liability associated with CVS’s proposed property leases, acquisitions and construction activities.
Services provided:
- Compliance
- Construction Oversight
- Due Diligence
- Emerging Contaminants
- Geotechnical Engineering
- Planning & Permitting
- Remediation
- Site Characterization
- UST/AST Services