Dover Foxcroft Maine

Former Tannery Site: Dover-Foxcroft, ME

This downtown, once a vibrant center, was challenged by a swath of underutilized Brownfields sites once former textile and furniture mills, rail yards, and tannery operations. The town’s non-profit client turned to Ransom for a cost-effective approach to understand the area’s existing environmental issues and potential for redevelopment.

Ransom’s assessment program included an evaluation of current and future human and environmental impacts for over 15 Brownfields sites, which uncovered heavy metals, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH), chlorinated solvent and petroleum contaminant impacts to soil, groundwater and sediments.

Ransom worked closely with the client to assist in Brownfields funding identification and developed cleanup strategies to align with Dover Foxcroft’s revitalization plan for reuse and recreation in the community.

Services provided: 

  • Construction Oversight
  • Due Diligence
  • Planning & Permitting
  • Remediation
  • Site Characterization


